Archive for October, 2016

Monday marked the start of Media Literacy Education Week, which comes at a good time as Americans prepare to vote. Speaking with Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, head of the National Association of Media Literacy about the importance of understanding the difference between facts, feelings and opinionas. via Pocket

A bible lump, or a bible bump, is a ganglion cyst that sometimes forms on the wrist. It’s also called a book cyst, the reason being that people sometimes try to smash them with a book, but  don’t try this at home! via Pocket

A woman whose first language is Persian wonders about the word enduring. Can she describe the work of being a parent as enduring? While the phrase is grammatically correct, the expression enduring parenting not good idiomatic English. via Pocket

A Los Angeles, California, listener says his grandmother, a native Spanish speaker, used the word filibustero to mean “ruffians.” Any relation to the English word filibuster? As a matter of fact, yes. via Pocket

What’s the deal with the use of person, as in I’m a dog person or She’s a cat person? The word person this way functions as a substitute for the Greek-derived suffix -phile, meaning “lover of,” and goes back at least a century. via Pocket

A Palmyra, Indiana, listener observes that in online discussions of Pokemon Go, Americans and French-speaking Canadians alike use the word lit to describe an area of town where lots of people playing the game. via Pocket

A listener in Brazil wants to know about the source of the phrase keeping up with the Joneses, which refers to trying to compete with others in terms of possessions and social status. via Pocket

A listener in Reno, Nevada, wants to know: If one member of a long-term, unmarried couple dies, what’s a good term for the surviving partner, considering that the usual terms widow and widower aren’t exactly correct? http://waywordradio. via Pocket

A woman from Hartford, Connecticut, remembers her mom used the term clackers to denote those floppy, rubber-soled shoes otherwise known as flip-flops, go-aheads, or zoris. Anyone else use clackers in that way? via Pocket

In a roadway, the center lane for passing or turning left is sometimes called the chicken lane, a reference to the old game of drivers from opposite directions daring each other in a game of chicken. For the same reason, some people refer to it as the suicide lane. via Pocket Developer Resources

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