Archive for March, 2018

The Frankenstein story is more of a reality now than it ever was. Today, mankind is edging closer to the reality of creating life through what could be called “mad science. via Pocket

Pope Francis is now saying that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just “disappear.” It can be argued that Pope Francis has abandoned many of the tenets of the church in favor of an all encompassing faith that is inclusive. via Pocket

Animals are simply canaries in a coal mine and their behaviors prior to a catastrophic event are usually realized after the fact; however, now that we are in the clouds of atmospheric tinkering, we have the advantage of watching the animals and their behaviors and whether or not they are giving us via Pocket

The Straussian neo-cons in the Deep State have been slapping Donald Trump around for several months to make him surrender his hopes for a more cooperative relationship with Russia. via Pocket


MQTA S3 E2…. If you have a 12th Birthday, this Millionaire dad will get you a pair of strippers…. You can now bleach this wonderful part of anatomy so it looks like a powdered donut… via Pocket

Quantum mechanics does not rule out the possibility of an “afterlife” universe or “afterlife” dimension which includes a multiverse, a multidimensional universe or the survival of brain function after death which is quantum immortality. via Pocket

When paranormal experiences happen and we are witness to them, it can be argued that it expands our sense of who we imagine we are while transforming our intimate relationship with ourselves. via Pocket

The National Parks Service is struggling to cope with a growing list of repairs and crumbling federal properties. CBS News Radio Intern Mitchell Felan reports from Washington on efforts to combat it. via Pocket

Last Friday night we reported that a Twitter user who called himself Ty received and unknown call on his cell phone. The call came in late at night and so it went to voicemail. via Pocket

Hurricanes have brought in to view Puerto Rico’s vulnerable infrastructure; however, it has also spawned a number of terrifying experiences. The people of Puerto Rico have seen some very strange things appear on the Island just before Hurricane Maria hit and now they are plunged in the dark. via Pocket Developer Resources

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