Archive for December, 2016

It can be argued the entire narrative of 2016 seemed surreal and as we were bumping through the various obstacles in our journey, some of us felt as though something was subverting and overriding our will. via Pocket


MQTA S2 E91…. This “Little Rooster” will wake you up in an intimate way in the morning (and it has a snooze button)…. Or… a woman decided to use a stun gun on Vjay-jay at a party…. And…. via Pocket

As 2016 comes to close, it goes without saying that it seemed like we were constantly waking to the news that pop culture icons of our childhood were dying. When Prince and David Bowie died, I started thinking about what I would do if I were to lose my father. via Pocket

As 2016 comes to close, it goes without saying that it seemed like we were constantly waking to the news that pop culture icons of our childhood were dying. When Prince and David Bowie died, I started thinking about what I would do if I were to lose my father. via Pocket

On December 26, 1980, several UFO incidents, including multiple-witness sightings by military personnel, ground traces, and radioactive anomalies were reported from Rendlesham Forest. via Pocket

A listener in Tampa, Florida, was discussing the 2016 presidential election when the term gaslighted came up. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which victims are manipulated into doubting their own perceptions. via Pocket

A boodler is someone involved in political graft or corruption. The word likely derives from Dutch boedel, meaning “property.” http://waywordradio. via Pocket

A caller who grew up in rural Pennsylvania remembers being asked as a child Are you being have? instead of Are you behaving? Being have, with a long a sound, results from what linguists call reanalysis. via Pocket

What does a person really mean when she starts a statement with To be honest with you? It’s important not to take such expressions too literally. via Pocket

Flee Fly Flo is a camp song, and like other songs passed along orally, it has lots of variations, and often includes rhythmic hand-clapping. In her book Camp Songs, Folk Songs, Patricia Averill suggests the roots of this camp favorite may be in scat singing. via Pocket Developer Resources

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